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by edmart001
Tue Dec 23, 2008 2:36 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 9mm not adequate...?
Replies: 42
Views: 4310

Re: 9mm not adequate...?

As others have said and explained well, there is no magic bullet, there are only well placed shots and misses. Well placed shots with anything more powerful than a rock is always going to be more effective than a miss with anything else. The best gun in the best caliber to carry is the one with which you have the best chance to fire well placed shots. For many, many of us, that comes down to a medium to high capacity 9mm semi-auto.

I also agree with others who have said it takes practice, practice, practice to get to the point where one can feel confident making well placed shots with any gun. Again, when one considers the cost and comfort of the 9mm against other calibers one often reaches the conclusion that 9mm is a good way to go.

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