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by John
Wed Sep 03, 2008 4:21 pm
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
Replies: 112
Views: 17893

Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?

Apparently "US" magazine (which i am sure many here read :lol:: ) ran a hit piece on Palin. My wife instantly cancelled her subscription. Something good has come from the media's mad rush to discredit Palin. One less magazine subscription for the ole house hold.

For those interested, has pictures of last week and this week's US covers. Last week's cover had Obama and his wife hugging with the title "Why he loves her". This weeks cover has Palin holding her baby with the title "Babies, Lies, and Scandal".

I've never seen my wife so mad at someone other than me. :smilelol5: The media is giving themselves up as a common enemy for the conservatives who are so so on McCain and his campaign. Really amazing.
by John
Wed Sep 03, 2008 11:05 am
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
Replies: 112
Views: 17893

Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?

It's all about you, Nathan.
by John
Tue Sep 02, 2008 6:47 am
Forum: Federal - 2008
Topic: Does Palin have a dark secret?
Replies: 112
Views: 17893

Re: Does Palin have a dark secret?

drw wrote:
Mike from Texas wrote:Do you think the other candidate is the better choice? I sure hope not.
Of course not. Obama is a monster and would be a disaster for this country. McCain is clearer the lesser of the two evils. It's a shame that these are our choices, though.
You shouldn't be shamed by your choices. They are what they are and people should buck up and choose a candidate to support and exercise their constitutional right to vote be it for a Dem, Lib, Rep, or Ind. We should all respect the selection process, or work to change that process (or better yet, get involved in supporting whomever we prefer early in the process).

Why play into the hands of the liberals by expounding their mantra that we conservatives have got to hold our collective noses to vote? There is not a person alive that would appeal 100% to everyone, but there needs to be one who appeals to more than 50% of the country in an electoral way.

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