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by Oldgringo
Mon Jun 13, 2016 4:04 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub
Replies: 171
Views: 51648

Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

TexasJohnBoy wrote:
ScottDLS wrote:
bblhd672 wrote:"Registered Democrat" should be the buzzwords coming out of Trump's mouth every time he is asked to make a statement about this horrible crime against humanity.
"The shooter, a registered Democrat, and his father, a registered Democrat, ...."

Since the left wants to blame the NRA for this, no reason we can't blame the Democrats.
:iagree: This is no time for anymore PC sputum. It's well past time to call a spade a spade.
by Oldgringo
Mon Jun 13, 2016 1:42 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub
Replies: 171
Views: 51648

Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

Well, I'm going to say it with all due respect to whom it is due: there are a gazillion Muslims in the world. Until such time as the moderate, love and peace, Muslims denounce, expose and eliminate the "radical Islamic terrorists", "Islamic jihadist", ISIL/ISIS, Al-queda etc. all Wahhabi/Salafi among their ranks, there will be no love and peace for anyone. The "radical Islamic terrorists", "Islamic jihadist", ISIL/ISIS, Al-queda etc. declared war on everyone else well over a thousand years ago.
by Oldgringo
Mon Jun 13, 2016 10:02 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub
Replies: 171
Views: 51648

Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

flowrie wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
flintknapper wrote:
Everyone 'exiting' is part of the problem when there is an 'active shooter' situation that occurs in a small space.

Reportedly there were 320 patrons in the building and ONE terrorist. What would happen if 200 people charged the shooter instead of offering him their backs as they ran!

The answer of course is: They would quickly overpower him and end the threat.

Yes it would come at some 'cost' and certainly it goes against the 'nature' of most folks, but we need to give this some thought.

SURELY there were strong, able bodied men in the room. Did NO ONE fight back?

These are different times folks. 'Running' isn't always going to be the best thing to do.
You are spot on correct, Flint. Dead is dead whether you're shot comin' or goin'. Would I lead the charge, I dunno'. What I do know is that Mrs Oldgringo and I do not attend/frequent large gatherings in gun free zones and that includes funerals, weddings, church and such.
You can carry in church in Texas if you are not given notice (verbal or posted).
I do and have for several years, thank you.
by Oldgringo
Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:19 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub
Replies: 171
Views: 51648

Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

flintknapper wrote:
Everyone 'exiting' is part of the problem when there is an 'active shooter' situation that occurs in a small space.

Reportedly there were 320 patrons in the building and ONE terrorist. What would happen if 200 people charged the shooter instead of offering him their backs as they ran!

The answer of course is: They would quickly overpower him and end the threat.

Yes it would come at some 'cost' and certainly it goes against the 'nature' of most folks, but we need to give this some thought.

SURELY there were strong, able bodied men in the room. Did NO ONE fight back?

These are different times folks. 'Running' isn't always going to be the best thing to do.
You are spot on correct, Flint. Dead is dead whether you're shot comin' or goin'. Would I lead the charge, I dunno'. What I do know is that Mrs Oldgringo and I do not attend/frequent large gatherings in gun free zones and that includes funerals, weddings, church and such.
by Oldgringo
Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:13 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub
Replies: 171
Views: 51648

Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

Beiruty wrote:I am really shocked and horrified about the mass killing that happened in Orlando, on the hand of violent criminal mind (no need to mention his name).
In this Holy month of Ramadan, the month of worshiping, forgiveness, and generosity, the month of mercy we witness such heinous criminal act. Call it terrorism, call it criminal, call it viscous, call it a savagery. Call it whatever you want, nonetheless, It is un-Islamic act. Such act is nothing but a result of Wahhabi violent ideology justifying targeting innocent civilians.
Innocent Muslims are being killed in thousands on the hands of ISIS, a freaky bunch of international criminals whose sole purpose of existence is to live to kill. ISIS violent-ideology is like cancer, it metastasis all across the globe.
Muslims all around have to rise and fight such Wahhabi-violent ideology of indiscriminate killing for the sake of killing. Condemning it in words is not enough. All the humanity shall rise and fight those who target innocent civilians wherever they are.
Thank you, Beiruty. Well said.
by Oldgringo
Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:11 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub
Replies: 171
Views: 51648

Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

Oldgringo wrote:I don't think this mass murder of some 50 people can be called anything but what it is by any thinking person. It is Islamic terrorism brought to the U.S. by the same people who want to import more of them. Yes, I am biased....a lot.
CNN just announced that the current POTUS has declared the mass murder n Orlando to be an act of terrorism. Yep, that's the same guy who called the Ft. Hood murders by a muslim to be 'workplace violence'.
by Oldgringo
Sun Jun 12, 2016 8:40 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub
Replies: 171
Views: 51648

Re: Mass Shooting at Orlando Nightclub

I don't think this mass murder of some 50 people can be called anything but what it is by any thinking person. It is Islamic terrorism brought to the U.S. by the same people who want to import more of them. Yes, I am biased....a lot.

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