It might get too easy over time. A couple months ago, I went into the local USPO to return an Air Rifle to the dealer. When I got back to the truck, it dawned on me that I had just committed a most heinous boo-boo. I had inadvertently CC'd in NO-CC land.WildBill wrote:I would say it will get easier with time, but it sounds like you are already completely comfortable. Great Job!BAW1967 wrote:Did my first concealed carry today since getting my plastic on Saturday. Had to take the wife to the walk-in clinic, then we went to lunch for Mexican food, then to Walgreens to pick up her prescriptions and then to the vet to pick up our five four legged kids. Felt good and I wasn't even nervous at all or concerned that people were looking at me saying he's packing. Got home and asked the wife if she knew I was CCing and she said no because she couldn't tell. I must conceal it pretty good then.
Oh, the humanity; but, you know what? No sirens went off, no lights flashed and no horns honked because (you fill in the blank). Don't try this in your USPO.