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by Oldgringo
Sat Apr 14, 2012 10:29 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

Ashlar wrote:What I really find funny is that Romney has banned more guns than Obama. ;-)
That's a real knee slapper, alright. "rlol"
by Oldgringo
Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:57 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

Everybody wins, nobody loses. Lock 'er up!
by Oldgringo
Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:34 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

tallmike wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
tallmike wrote:I hate medicare and social security far more.
Really? How do your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who were forced to pay into those programs all their working lives feel about them?
They don't like it. I don't like paying into it. I think that makes us equal.
Now that that's out of the way, We'd like to hear your proposal/s for replacement of SS and Medicare. We're especially interested in how you'd treat those who have only 20-30 years invested in the programs and where the money is coming from to reimburse those who are yet too young to receive any benefits.
I do not propose we replace them, I propose we abolish them. It is a ponzi scheme and some folks are going to win while some are going to lose. The longer we keep it going the more folks who are going to lose so my argument is that it is best if we stop it now.

I realize that it will never go away because of folks, like you, who look at it and say "what about me? I paid into this for xx years. I am entitled..." Well, sorry that money is gone. Some of it was spent on the retirees as you paid it and the rest was squandered by congress. I have paid into it for 22 years now and I know that my investment is lost, I would rather not carry on the legacy of lost investment to my children by forcing the program to continue.
You win.
by Oldgringo
Fri Apr 13, 2012 7:48 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

tallmike wrote:I hate medicare and social security far more.
Really? How do your parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles who were forced to pay into those programs all their working lives feel about them?

Now that that's out of the way, We'd like to hear your proposal/s for replacement of SS and Medicare. We're especially interested in how you'd treat those who have only 20-30 years invested in the programs and where the money is coming from to reimburse those who are yet too young to receive any benefits.
by Oldgringo
Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:06 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

Look here.

TAM has summed it up rather succintly. Either vote for the current POTUS OR vote for someone with a chance of beating him. There is no middle, feel good, ground.
by Oldgringo
Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:11 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

unhappycamper wrote:The whole problem can be avoided if the Republicans nominate a conservative for the first time in the 21st century. The voters will have a clear choice and nobody threatens to stay home because the candidates are identical except for skin colour.

There is one flaw in my idea. It assumes the Republicans want to win.
My sentiments exactly!

The Repubs apparently didn't want to win in '08 and they ain't doin' a whole lot better in ' far.
by Oldgringo
Tue Oct 18, 2011 5:59 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

Barbi Q wrote:
74novaman wrote:Yes, you're right that you can guarantee Obama will be worse than Romney. But to me, he'll only manage to be worse by a little bit because we should be able to put enough Republicans in the congress to counter any shenanigans.
I disagree. If Obama is POTUS the Republicans in congress will oppose his socialist plans, especially if the number of Republicans in congress increases from the 2012 elections.

BUT. And it's a big but. Maybe even bigger than Michelle's.

If this country elects a Republican POTUS with socialist leanings, most of the Republicans in congress will go along with his evil plans, in the name of party solidarity. The Democrats may complain the scheme isn't socialist enough but they will make sure it passes. So when you consider the effect of congressional RINOS, Romney might be worse than Obama.

Mitt supports gun control, socialist healthcare, and higher taxes on working people. He's running in the wrong primary.
Good one! :smilelol5: I hope you're wrong. "rlol"
by Oldgringo
Fri Oct 14, 2011 3:59 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

punkndisorderly wrote:...yada, yada, yada, perhaps the party should be blamed for running "more of the same" when it was pretty apperarent that wasn't what americans wanted.
BINGO! Give the man a cigar, Bill. We have a winner.
by Oldgringo
Wed Oct 12, 2011 5:30 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

boba wrote:
RCP wrote:Romney will never get my vote either, not in the Primary or in the General. I sincerely believe that nothing would change under Romney (at least not for the better).

I'm voting for a pro gun fiscal conservative in November 2012. If the Republican ticket has someone like that, I will vote for the Republican candidate. If not, they don't want my vote, and I can vote for a third party candidate with a clear conscience.

That'll learn 'em, durn 'em! :woohoo
by Oldgringo
Mon Oct 10, 2011 6:22 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

Ameer wrote:
74novaman wrote:
Heartland Patriot wrote: I really don't know what to think anymore...I used to think of most folks who were pro-firearms a certain way, but I guess I was flat-out wrong. My apologies for my mistake.
Why should someone who is pro firearms vote for an anti gun candidate?

I know there are other issues, but you mentioned pro firearms people. Should they vote against their own best interests?

I'd hope, if nothing else that anyone who is pro gun would vote against romney in a primary.

If the Republicans want to win, they need a candidate who is clearly different than Obama.
You may be onto something there with that difference thinghy. :mrgreen:
by Oldgringo
Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:58 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

apostate wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:Back on point: who knows what Mitt Romney, or any other politician, truly feels about anything until after they are elected?
That's true, and in Romney's case, we're fortunate to have his actions as an elected official (Governor) to guide us.
Is it Romney, Perry, Cain, Bachman, et al, or is it the Republican Party that has failed us? It is the partys' (bofum) resposibility to provide its supporters with a viable candidate and platform to vote "FOR" rather than something/somebody to vote against.

Somebody please help me. I'm still leaning toward voting for ME.
by Oldgringo
Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:35 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

Back on point: who knows what Mitt Romney, or any other politician, truly feels about anything until after they are elected?

We toured Salt Lake City and its Temple Square a couple of weeks ago on our way home from Glacier country. Most impressed were we. That said, the LDS DOES NOT Allow guns in its Utah churches. Check it out here. I carried in Temple Square and around town but since I am not a Mormon I couldn't enter their houses of worship anyway.

Personally, I can't differentiate between most any religion EXCEPT Islam. I ain't got no use at all for those muslims and I most surely will not intentionally do anything to get one elected or re-elected, as the case may be.
by Oldgringo
Sun Oct 09, 2011 9:15 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:
RPB wrote:ObamaCare ... allowed an Opt-Out
Not really. Beginning in 2013, the IRS will begin fining me $225/month for not having any insurance. I can't afford insurance because I am self employed, in this economy, and I don't earn enough to get it, and because of several pre-existing conditions for which most insurance companies have rejected me. Believe me, I've tried. Since I have too much in the way of assets (own my home free and clear, and nice retirement investment nest egg), I am not eligible for the public dole—not that I would accept it even if I were. My total annual medical care costs me less than $2,000/year—all dr.'s office visits, prescriptions, and lab tests included—but the absolute cheapest insurance I can get (Texas High Risk Pool) would cost me $543/month, has a $7,500 deductible plus $5,000 out of pocket for a total expenditure of $19,500/year before I actually have any coverage......and it won't cover me for the first year for any pre-existing conditions. It gets worse from there when you look at what insurance companies want to charge me. And since I can afford to pay for my annual medical care needs out of pocket, I don't need any stinking insurance.

So, thanks to Obamacare, I have a choice between bankruptcy, or pay a fine.....for which I still get no coverage. Come 2013, I'll have the choice to pay Obama my monthly ransom and stay out of jail, or keep the lights on and go to jail for stiffing the IRS. I very sincerely hope he chokes on a chicken bone. He is a stupid and evil man who never thought out the consequences of his policies. What is going to happen to me in 2013 is exactly why Pelosi insisted that we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it. She didn't want anybody to know beforehand what is actually going to happen to them. She is even more evil than Obama. I hope Pelosi chokes on her own vomit and becomes brain dead, so that she can spend the rest of her life at the mercy of the system she helped to destroy.

To all of you who voted for Obama, you did this to me. You think about that the next time one of you wonders why I am so vehemently in contempt of democrats and their corrupt and irresponsible party.

I don't think much of Romney, but I'll choke on my own chicken bone before I'll see another 4 years of Obama. That man is the devil. 3rd party, write-ins, etc., are not an option for me. Obama must be defeated at all costs, whatever they may be.

Don't hold back, TAM. Tell us how you really feel.

(FWIW, Mrs. Oldgringo and I enjoyed the "benefits" of the the Texas High Risk Pool while anxiously waiting to turn 65.)
I'm happy you enjoyed it. They won't cover for the first year any of the things for which I currently see a doctor. Why on earth would I pay $6K/year in premiums for that.... not to mention the huge deductible and out of pocket amounts?

Enjoyed = {Sarcasm :mrgreen: } to it's highest level.

Carotid artery surgery pretty much makes one uninsurable by the destitute insurance companies, hospitals and doctors. :mrgreen: BTW, we did/do not have a nice retirement nest egg; the obscene premium cost came out of our hard earned savings.
by Oldgringo
Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:51 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

The Annoyed Man wrote:
RPB wrote:ObamaCare ... allowed an Opt-Out
Not really. Beginning in 2013, the IRS will begin fining me $225/month for not having any insurance. I can't afford insurance because I am self employed, in this economy, and I don't earn enough to get it, and because of several pre-existing conditions for which most insurance companies have rejected me. Believe me, I've tried. Since I have too much in the way of assets (own my home free and clear, and nice retirement investment nest egg), I am not eligible for the public dole—not that I would accept it even if I were. My total annual medical care costs me less than $2,000/year—all dr.'s office visits, prescriptions, and lab tests included—but the absolute cheapest insurance I can get (Texas High Risk Pool) would cost me $543/month, has a $7,500 deductible plus $5,000 out of pocket for a total expenditure of $19,500/year before I actually have any coverage......and it won't cover me for the first year for any pre-existing conditions. It gets worse from there when you look at what insurance companies want to charge me. And since I can afford to pay for my annual medical care needs out of pocket, I don't need any stinking insurance.

So, thanks to Obamacare, I have a choice between bankruptcy, or pay a fine.....for which I still get no coverage. Come 2013, I'll have the choice to pay Obama my monthly ransom and stay out of jail, or keep the lights on and go to jail for stiffing the IRS. I very sincerely hope he chokes on a chicken bone. He is a stupid and evil man who never thought out the consequences of his policies. What is going to happen to me in 2013 is exactly why Pelosi insisted that we have to pass the bill to find out what's in it. She didn't want anybody to know beforehand what is actually going to happen to them. She is even more evil than Obama. I hope Pelosi chokes on her own vomit and becomes brain dead, so that she can spend the rest of her life at the mercy of the system she helped to destroy.

To all of you who voted for Obama, you did this to me. You think about that the next time one of you wonders why I am so vehemently in contempt of democrats and their corrupt and irresponsible party.

I don't think much of Romney, but I'll choke on my own chicken bone before I'll see another 4 years of Obama. That man is the devil. 3rd party, write-ins, etc., are not an option for me. Obama must be defeated at all costs, whatever they may be.

Don't hold back, TAM. Tell us how you really feel.

(FWIW, Mrs. Oldgringo and I enjoyed the "benefits" of the the Texas High Risk Pool while anxiously waiting to turn 65.)
by Oldgringo
Sun Oct 09, 2011 8:44 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007
Replies: 142
Views: 17750

Re: Mitt Romney talks about gun control in 2007

RPB wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:
RPB wrote:ObamaCare ... allowed an Opt-Out

RomneyCare didn't

Just sayin'

Words are cheap, Obama uses LOTS of them

track records count

Can a leopard change its spots?

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No, I'll not vote for him if he's the GOP candidate.

I never intentionally vote for anyone who disregards (has a track record for disregarding) rights.
So, who will you vote for? A non vote is a yes vote for the incumbent, Bucko.
Yup, I imagine that's what will occur if Romney is the GOP nominee ...Unless someone else is on the ballot from a third party who wouldn't win .... lots of us will be abstaining ....and we'll have 4 more years.... either way. If we had paper instead of Electronic, I could write in Perry.

I won't vote for Romney. (I'm not alone)
You mean a third party candidate, uh, say a Ross Perot? That turned out really swell, eh?

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