Of course not. Odd as it may seem, I don't plan on or look forward to shooting anybody at any time.Charles L. Cotton wrote:I hope you don't think Texas law would make this a good shooting.Oldgringo wrote:...in someone else's yard?texanron wrote:Why is an 11 year old outside at 10:40pm???
Yes, I remember it well. Back in the late 40's and early 50's most all kids stayed outside and played until dark and after because we didn't have AC, TV's, computer games, I-pods and all sorts of other electronic gizmos. Our mothers didn't work and were there for us day and night, maybe even sitting on the porch visiting with the neighbors as we played. We even had toy guns and played "cops and robbers", "cowboys and indians", "hide and seek", "kick the can" and "war", etc, We didn't know anyone who didn't have a mother AND a dad at home; drugs, sex fiends and drive-by shootings were unheard of.
Alas, that was then and this is now.