, thank you for sharing.Seabear wrote:This was taken from another site here in Texas, written by a former Walgreens employee...
Well, as an employee for the good old W for 9 years (98-2007), I guess I should chime in....
Upon employment, Walgreens prints their robbery procedure right there in black and white in the handbook and on their computer training programs. Whether one thinks someone's actions are legitimate and deserving of merit doesnt matter.... he directly broke a written rule by the company who signs his paycheck. It would be no different than him stealing, showing up drunk, or sharing patient information. The rules are clear, and he clearly broke them...
I was written up once for chasing a lady who stole an armload of Sudafed (this was before they started keeping it behind the counter). I chased her right out the door... even caught her by the back of the collar.... Didnt matter, I was in direct violation of store policy. I knew it and was written up.
5 years later, I had a very similar situation, but I was already standing at the front door coming back into the store just days after the Katrina evacuation (our stores were riddled with thieves and what not, it was insane)... Anyway, guy came walking out holding the bottoms of the legs of his shorts closed with each hand... he had 4-5 of those giant 100 packs of burnable CDs that everybody used to buy. He was coming out while I was walking in and it was obvious that he was shoplifting, so I held him up at the door and we got into a little skirmish and his buddies pulled up in a truck and I ALMOST got myself in a bad situation. Luckily, there was another guy outside and he ran up and the guys jumped back in the truck and the theif ran off on foot. I got the 200 bucks in CDs back ANNNND got handed a slip for a 3 day, unpaid vacation. This instance was a little faster paced and didnt give me alot of time to react, but no doubt, I broke the rules again.
You all have been in a crowded Walgreens at 530 PM and seen the lines and lines of folks at all 3 windows... Can you imagine the problems with an RPh firing off rounds in a scene like that?
I couldnt tell you how many times I have had folks jump over the counter... You just stand out of the way and let them get after it. Of all the times, I didnt have not one person threaten anybody or try to have a physical altercation... its a jump and grab type thing.... Stay out of their way and let the cameras do the work.
Alot of times, you have no CLUE what these people are on or after. I could tell stories for days of the stuff I have seen and been through back there. I have been yelled at, cussed at, spit in my face on numerous occasions, had a knife pulled out, had a gun pulled out, been grabbed by the shirt, had my truck bashed up, been waited on by a family of lunatic after closing, had drinks thrown on me... I could go on and on.... there are some REALLY strange folks that frequent pharmacies, and if you stand between them and their narcotics, there is going to be trouble. On top of that, its hectic back there, everybody is cranky and sick and you are on a time clock to get things done, usually understaffed. Now you know why the employees arent so pleasant sometimes.... its a rough working atmosphere. But, at least its air conditioned!
I know alot of folks would commend a RPh for grabbing some rude jerkwad by the shirt and beating the **** out of him for being an ***, but guess what, thats against the rules too....
Walgreens followed their procedure, the RPh did not, and I dont even see why the courts are allowing this lawsuit to continue...
I carry a 40 and one reason is because of the insane folks that I have witnessed through all my days previously employed at Walgreens. Alot of folks dont realize what is running around on our streets until you see the number of pillheads coming in and out of one of their stores in one day. Its flat out scary AND even more scary that those folks drive vehicles up there!
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Return to “Walgreens Pharmacist Gets Fired for Defending...”
- Mon Sep 12, 2011 10:35 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Walgreens Pharmacist Gets Fired for Defending...
- Replies: 62
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Re: Walgreens Pharmacist Gets Fired for Defending...
- Mon Sep 12, 2011 7:00 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Walgreens Pharmacist Gets Fired for Defending...
- Replies: 62
- Views: 8211
Re: Walgreens Pharmacist Gets Fired for Defending...
Fixed that, yes I did.Excaliber wrote:That is exactly what they're saying.Kythas wrote:In other words, our high resolution video cameras will assist the coroner and homicide investigators in determining the identity of any individuals involved in the murder of our customers and employees.wo5m wrote:I also sent then an e-mail and got the following replyDear David,
Thank you for contacting Walgreens regarding this matter. Our policies in this area are designed to maintain the maximum safety of our customers and employees.Store employees receive comprehensive training on our company’s robbery procedures and how to react and respond to a potential robbery situation. In past incidents, employees have told us they’ve found this training effective.These policies and training programs are endorsed by law enforcement, which strongly advises against confrontation of crime suspects.Compliance is safer than confrontation. Through this practice, we have been able to maintain an exemplary record of safety.We’ve made significant investments in security technology in recent years, including increasing the number of digital surveillance cameras at our stores.With upgrades to security technology, we are able to provide police with high-resolution photographs and video of crime suspects.We continue to invest in state-of-the-art security measures and high-definition surveillance equipment and hope that the apprehension of robbery suspects in the Benton Harbor area will prevent future crimes. Thank you for contacting Walgreens to share your comments.
Benny H
Consumer Response Representative
Ref # 3084218
Only unexposed soulless corporate beancounters could find comfort in that.