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by Oldgringo
Mon Dec 06, 2010 6:45 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7463

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

glock27 wrote:yeah big tonys is not posted 51% and i was out for a good time, me and the wifey got into a fight so i figured id go do some karaoke up there along with some well rum. i was definately planned on getting drunk thats why i left everything in the truck, my friend only had a few beers. the cop said that it sounds like my friend stole them since he drove me home, i hate to think that cause we have been friends for a long time one of the few people that i invite over and dont have to worry about leaving my wallet on the kitchen counter. i known him for about 2 years and we hang out at least a few times a week. the cop asked who i was with and he went to his house to ask him what all he remembered. he even let the cop come inside and take a look around the house for the guns. i hate to blame people withoutknowing for sure. idk frustrating. now i dont have a carry weapon, i wish they would have taken my g22 instead of my 27

:cheers2: Well, did you have a "good time"? "rlol" :chldancing :smilelol5: :cheers2:

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