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by Oldgringo
Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:53 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5767

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

BobCat wrote: The important thing is she carries. Well... not exactly... the important thing is she is aware and accepting enough of the realities of life that she carries. My wife has a .38 Model 60, she can certainly shoot it, but she feels the odds of her needing it with her are small enough that she does not carry it. The old "it isn't the odds, it is the stakes" doesn't sway the outcome.
Yepper, Mrs. Oldgringo keeps her loaded S&W 638 in her car but I can't remember the last time she actually carried it. When I ask, she says something like, "I haven't needed it for 68 years, why would I need it've got yours, don't you"?

Hopefully, she continues to guess right.
by Oldgringo
Thu Aug 05, 2010 4:42 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5767

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

RedRaider wrote:

...its pretty difficult to get to a holstered gun from your pocket while seated...
It's beyond difficult, you and all of your passengers could be pumped full of lead by the time you draw a pistol from your pocket when seated; especially, if you're restrained by a seat belt/shoulder harness.

Enough macho :fire cowboy :fire talk. I lay mine on the seat under the fold down console gizmo between the front seats when driving. It's handy and it's out of sight.
by Oldgringo
Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:33 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5767

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

You just never know...

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