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by Oldgringo
Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:45 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident
Replies: 72
Views: 11576

Re: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident

austinrealtor wrote:
Oldgringo wrote:walking around with a loaded gun is a serious decision burdened with increased responsibilities requiring maturity and good judgement.

Very well put, oldgringo. I'm currently putting together PowerPoints for my CHL classes .... would you mind if I stole this line from you? I can only pay you in compliments, but I'll buy the coffee and your first range target if you ever get to Cedar Park :thumbs2:
I'm flattered that anyone would take my babblings seriously. :cheers2:
by Oldgringo
Thu Aug 05, 2010 3:37 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident
Replies: 72
Views: 11576

Re: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident

Keith B wrote:
....This was totally driven by rage of the CHL (who is an idiot BTW) and deserves to be prosecuted. And if he is a member of the forum, this doesn't count as a personal attack because he should have paid better attention to our posts and learned something. :banghead:

And just because someone is a bully in traffic doesn't give you the right to assault them with a deadly weapon. License plate numbers and a call to the police are the proper method.
:iagree: I perceive way too much gun totin' macho talk from people who think they just gotta' resolve various social ills and rude behaviors. A CHL is not a "get out of jail free" card (quite the opposite) and it is not a Batman license. I'll say it again, walking around with a loaded gun is a serious decision burdened with increased responsibilities requiring maturity and good judgement.

Sadly, there aren't any idiot/maturity tests required to obtain a driver's license....either.
by Oldgringo
Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:38 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident
Replies: 72
Views: 11576

Re: Shots fired in Mopac road rage incident

Matthew Evans, 20, the driver of the truck told offers he was intentionally antagonizing Smith, but thought they were just “messing around” up until the point shots were fired.
People like this are allowed to breed and to vote?

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