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by Oldgringo
Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:44 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Choose your words wisely
Replies: 4
Views: 2950

Re: Choose your words wisely

ghentry wrote:Ok, Charles asked for something funny. Here's my recent embarassment.

Last month I'm in the restroom at church. As I walk out of the stall, I see one of the members bending over the sink (fairly tall guy) washing his hands and the butt of his revolver is sticking out above his waistband. As I walk by him I say, "your butt is sticking out". He just kind of looked up at me and didn't respond. After I left the restroom I realized that he had no clue what I was talking about and probably thought "what a jerk, his butt is bigger than mine!". :oops:

This was over a month ago and I've worried about how that came across ever since. I finally cleared the air this past Sunday and he said he had never heard what I said, so he had never been offended, but next time he would know what I was talking about. :D

We both got a good laugh out of it and next time I'll use choose my words more carefully.
There may be a reason why he didn't hear you, eh? :evil2:

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