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by Oldgringo
Tue May 19, 2009 6:50 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: What would you have done...?
Replies: 25
Views: 3348

Re: What would you have done...?

age_ranger wrote:

......takes a man with balls of steel to stand in front of an agressor in a vehicle.
That ain't gonna' help much if the aggressor decides to run you over. :eek6
by Oldgringo
Mon May 04, 2009 4:33 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: What would you have done...?
Replies: 25
Views: 3348

Re: What would you have done...?

I think your wife and/or her sister should have called 911 from the onset. I'm sure both had cell phones, didn't they? There was nothing you could do even if you'd had a dozen guns and a jacket full of hand grenades while she was on the road and you were stranded at the church. You should have also been calling 911 as a back up to your wife's calls.

Now comes the BG into the parking lot. Call 911 again with urgent and pertinent info. You did not have a gun; moreover, you did not know how many guns the BG might have been aiming at you while you were beating up his car with your baseball bat.

Wear your gun at all times. Where are the most target rich areas for BG's that you can think of?

Having said all of this, I wasn't there. What would I have done? I dunno'. I do know that I would have been armed.

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