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by Oldgringo
Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:36 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Horeseplay
Replies: 26
Views: 3219

Re: Horeseplay

Purplehood wrote:
tfrazier wrote:There are lots of folks going to college who are way older than the early 20s. Some of us took a decade to get a four year degree. Banning on college campuses because most of the students are young would be blatant age discrimination, IMO.

I think if we are willing to give driver licenses to someone so they can pilot a 3000 pound bullet traveling at 83 feet per second, they should be responsible enough to tote if they meet the other qualifications.
Agreed. I got my BA when I was 42 and my MBA when I was 47. I saw lots of students in class that made me look young.
I didn't go to college on Daddy's money either. After having worked several years, my first wife (bless her heart) and I both worked to put me through - every last cent of it.

As I said, I agree in principle with CHL carry on campus and have urged both my senator and representative to support the measure. It's not the youthful looks that cause my reservation and it's not the individual maturity level. It is the group maturity level that causes my concern. Of well, we'll see what we see.
by Oldgringo
Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:46 am
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Horeseplay
Replies: 26
Views: 3219

Re: Horeseplay

During WWII, the pilots of the B-17's, B-24's and various fighters, etc. were often no more than 20 years or so of age. Okay, okay, that was then and this is now and I'm three score and seven myself.

While I totally agree in principle, I have reservations about CHL on campus. Need I say more?
by Oldgringo
Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:55 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Horeseplay
Replies: 26
Views: 3219

Re: Horeseplay

E10 wrote:

...carrying a gun is an adult activity...
Yepper, that's a fact.
by Oldgringo
Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:41 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Horeseplay
Replies: 26
Views: 3219

Re: Horeseplay

Mikel wrote:I was having a good time around the fireplace one night with a few friends and got to horseplaying...farting on one-another, frogging biceps...just goofy stuff. So my buddy goes to frog me and I catch his arm. We're both laughing at this point b/c he is trying to get away and I am trying to hold him to embarrass him. As we spun around my pistol flew out of my ankle holster and in plain sight on the ground. Talk about dead silence for the next few minutes...I apologized to all and offered to keep it in the vehicle if anyone wanted but they were all ok with it after the initial silence.
New Rule: No horseplay when armed.
Mkel wrote:

....farting on one-another,...
DANG! I miss all of the fun things.

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