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by jmorris
Thu Mar 14, 2013 11:55 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: First Contact at Founders Plaza
Replies: 9
Views: 2502

Re: First Contact at Founders Plaza

texanjoker wrote:
un0fficial wrote:Oh I know, it was just in the "moment" my brain went "uhhh duhhhh hurr durr".

But out of courtesy I went ahead and told them. It was kinda one of those "If I was them, I'd like to know" situations.
I say you did the right thing :txflag:
And I think it was totally unnecessary. For one reason or another, I've had probably a half-dozen such encounters in the last year. Something like I'm working late at the church and an officer stops by to check and we chat a while. I have never mentioned or thought the need to inform him I was carrying. If it doesn't require him asking for my ID, he has no need to know.

From the story, it seems as if the officers got neverous *after* you told them you were carrying. So things were better before.

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