The American gun owning public is being duped again, just like we were duped the two weeks before the election when we were convinced that Romney was ahead by several percentage points. The media, including our “friends” at Fox, Drudge, and other “conservative” outlets, are attempting to sell us the concept that the “assault weapon ban” legislation can’t pass, and this is a lie.DLBConductor wrote:As long as we have RINO Republicans who "just want to get along and compromise," we cannot be assured of victory in congressional fights. Every election counts and we need to get our conservative leaders elected. The day for compromise is long gone. LET THE ULTRA LEFT COMPROMISE.
There are absolutes in our world and we need to stand up for these absolutes, be counted, and hold firm to our principles. If the left sees us as "the enemy," then we are probably doing the right thing.
Don’t be a fool and believe it when they tell us we can’t lose. We are going to get beaten again if we don’t act. CONTACT your Senators and Congressmen... constanly! Call, Email, Fax... then do it again! Our voices NEED to be heard and be polite, yet aggressive!!