God lays down the Biblical foundation for the right of self defense in Exodus 22:2 (Exodus 22:1 in the Torah for our Jewish friends):57Coastie wrote:I must ask our biblical scholars whether or not the BG's life might also be a gift of God, and whether taking that life unnecessarily, the one and only point to my earlier post, might also dishonor God.
(Note this is the Hebrew translation).If a thief is found breaking in, and is killed, no bloodguilt is incurred.
This quote is universally found to show that God allows the killing of another person in self defense.
As the passages which deal with this are from the Old Testament, and specifically from the portions of the Old Testament which make up the Torah, I found a good website from a Jewish Rabbi explaining the right of self defense. In fact, he refers to self defense as both a duty and an obligation. http://www.gunownersalliance.com/Rabbi_0362.htm
He also makes this statement:
Killing is not always murder. Killing and murder are dissimilar as night and day. Hebrew uses two distinct words to differentiate between the two.