Search found 3 matches

by garcia946
Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:44 pm
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: WTB Ruger 10/22 25/30rd mags
Replies: 16
Views: 4266

Re: WTB Ruger 10/22 25/30rd mags

Went to the Market Hall gun show over the weekend and got one of these" onclick=";return false; , now just need to find more ammo now.... :lol: , that's a good one....
I saw some while I was there 555rds boxes for a Whopping .....$125 a box :eek6
Thanks for all the help guys.... :tiphat:
by garcia946
Wed Jun 05, 2013 2:58 pm
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: WTB Ruger 10/22 25/30rd mags
Replies: 16
Views: 4266

Re: WTB Ruger 10/22 25/30rd mags

Ive looked at acouple Academy but they've been out. But I`ll check out the sites
by garcia946
Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:30 pm
Forum: Closed Items
Topic: WTB Ruger 10/22 25/30rd mags
Replies: 16
Views: 4266

WTB Ruger 10/22 25/30rd mags

As stated , Im looking for some 10/22 25/30rd mags , anyone have any or have any leads on some?
Thanks :tiphat:

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