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- Wed May 10, 2017 11:04 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Dallas: NRA Annual Meetings/Exhibits, May 4-6, 2018.
- Replies: 38
- Views: 16340
Re: Dallas: NRA Annual Meetings/Exhibits, May 4-6, 2018.
Thanks Mojo, but the first link is for Atlanta with no mention of Dallas, and the second link has no mention of the annual meeting listed. I guess I will have to look around a few months before.
- Tue May 09, 2017 11:43 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Dallas: NRA Annual Meetings/Exhibits, May 4-6, 2018.
- Replies: 38
- Views: 16340
Re: Dallas: NRA Annual Meetings/Exhibits, May 4-6, 2018.
How does one apply to be a volunteer at the convention? I'm in Fort Worth, but I could put in 2-3 days for wrote:I do not know if they still do this, but I volunteered to work when they were in Houston, and they appointed me as one of the firearms inspectors. Consequently, I had access to the show outside of regular hours. That is, no one was there except the people setting up their booths. It was a fantastic opportunity to speak with people from all the vendors, and handle some amazing firearms. There are other volunteer positions (working in the store, signing in members, etc.), but I don't know anything about them.
- Tue May 09, 2017 8:40 am
- Forum: Off-Topic
- Topic: Dallas: NRA Annual Meetings/Exhibits, May 4-6, 2018.
- Replies: 38
- Views: 16340
Re: Dallas: NRA Annual Meetings/Exhibits, May 4-6, 2018.
I bet carry is allowed, unless Trump is speaking.