First, I took a flat "T" brace, and bent it... but that made the thing stick out from under the dash, and the pistol could be seen from the window... like for an officer standing at my window. So I just used a flat 90* brace, and bent it so that I had a vertical piece, and then a horizontal piece to mount the QLS plate to. I did have to relieve some plastic fascia covering from a support post down in the foot well, no big deal. Used red loctite on those screws because I did not want anything moving.
Here the whole setup if you were to bend down slightly looking from the open door (Note, this is completely hidden if I were to close the door, even if you were to look from the very bottom of the window). So you can see how far over it is, and how it is accessible for a right hander, palm up.
Here is the best view that I could get showing the metal support post that I drilled holes in and ran bolts through, and the bent piece of metal. Nothing too pretty, but it works great. You can also see where I had to cut some relief in the plastic cover to make room for the bolts and holster.
Then, here is the holster. It started life as a Safariland 7378 paddle mount for a G17/22 with a mounted light. It does not come with a hood cover, and the screws were mounted in the correct holes (you can move them around on your own by the way... turning a 7377 into a 7390 and so on) This is the QLS fork attachment. I also keep a belt mount with another QLS plate so that I can remove this entire assembly from under the dash and wear it if it ever becomes necessary.
And that is really it. I really like the Safariland 7ts line of holsters and cannot recommend them highly enough.
I like this setup because everything is designed to retain the pistol, and something like a rough road, or even an accident is not going to break that loose and send a pistol flying all over the floorboard. Also, the ALS system may help if some car burglar does get in and see it and tries to grab it if they are unfamiliar with the ALS system.