So, let me tell you about a little saga that has been going on.
Since I have been waiting over 90 days, I decided to write Gov. Perry, State Sen. Shapiro, and State Rep. Madden to express my displeasure at the long wait time, in the hopes that there will be some changes in the future that streamline this operation for future CHL applicants, and one day for my renewal.
I receive replies from both Gov. Perry's office and Rep Madden's office, although the response from Rep. Madden's office (being my local rep) was a lot more specific to my request. A couple emails back and forth, and Rep. Madden's office tells me they will contact the liason at DPS on my behalf. Today I get a call from a supervisor at the CHL department of DPS, and he tells me that my application has actually been approved and is completed (despite the online status showing as "processing application") and that they are physically making the licenses, since they send those out to a different department to get done.
I asked if at any point there was anything wrong with my application, such as missing information, etc, and he said no, it was processed without a hitch, it just took longer than expected.
This supervisor then explains to me that he will be calling me back tomorrow evening after he confirms this information by looking at the physical card (since he had only looked at the computer file). And, he tells me that if I don't hear from him to give him a call, and he leaves his number. How's that for service?
So, many of you other folks waiting might be in the same boat as me - ie the card is being physically made. I assume that the department that physically makes them sends them back to CHL licensing in batches, not as they are completed, which would explain how it seems that people on this forum seem to be getting approvals in groups.
In this whole process I have not blamed a single person or entity for my long wait. I don't think it is any particular group's fault. That being said, the process is not right and needs to be fixed, and thankfully Chas and TSRA is working with Chairman Driver to help improve the process, but the more your Representatives and Senators hear from their constituents, the more they will also be inclined to help or to vote for additional budget/personnel for CHL applications. As a future plastic holder, I'm thankful for all the people before me who have helped made CHL a success in Texas, and I think it's only appropriate that we do our part to help future CHL holders.
Looking forward to my Wally Walk!