I agree that we should not have to have the government's permission to bear arms (CHL).lbuehler325 wrote:Concealed Carry permits, period, are an example of the erosion of our 2A rights. God-given rights, only affirmed by the document, not granted by government. As a citizen of this land, you would think that the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. That means six states, the District of Columbia, and countless territories and principalities are already an exception. We already know that one's permit (government approval) in a certain state does not grant them a right to bear arms in another state without a reciprocity agreement (government approval). The whole licensing system is an infringement on our rights. If you are poor and are just scratching by and happen to live in a rough area, how do you figure spending $85 on a course, another amount for the state, and simply waiting 4-6 for the process to run aren't infringing upon his ability to keep and bear arms?Jumping Frog wrote:Shall-issue concealed carry in 44 states would contradict that notion.stevie_d_64 wrote:BINGO!!!lbuehler325 wrote:Once we give up a freedom, there's no getting it back.
It is always worth fighting for liberty. I do agree it is preferable to keep a right than have to win it back.
Or, take MA as an example. They have a licensing process there called a "License to Carry". It cost upwards of $300, take 6 - 9 months to finish the process, and the local police chief can tell you to pound sand. And, by the way, in Massachusetts, you need the license just to own a weapon. How that doesn't infringe on the 2A, I don't know.
BUT having CHL is better than where we were in 1995, which was no concealed carry.
If we took the all-or-nothing stance, we would still be unable to legally carry.