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by mgood
Tue Aug 10, 2010 10:46 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.
Replies: 34
Views: 5763

Re: Late night drive thru encounter....and no gun.

maximus2161 wrote:The point is what if I had not been lucky and had cars boxing me in so I could not pull away?
Driving out of trouble should always be the first choice, IMO. I always leave room between me and the vehicle in front of me that would normally allow me to go around. But I'm a drive-through junkie and I'm well aware that many of them are too narrow to get around another vehicle. Sometimes you have a wall or something on one side and the building on the other. I drive a pickup, so normal curbs don't concern me too much, but many drive throughs have obstacles which would make it difficult, if not impossible, to drive out. These make me run through scary "what if" scenarios in my head all the time.

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