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by mgood
Wed May 13, 2009 12:16 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: No More Shipping Firearms
Replies: 39
Views: 4881

Re: No More Shipping Firearms

You might even find and FFL in Houston to receive it and not charge a transfer fee.

I work at a gun store in New Mexico. We charge a $50 fee to receive guns for people. (Yeah, I know that's a bit high.)
BUT, if a person is just having his own guns shipped in from somewhere, we charge NO FEE IF HE PICKS THEM UP THE SAME DAY WE RECEIVE THEM. If they do not stay in the store overnight, we do not have to log them in and out and do not have to do a 4473 form for him to pick them up.
Some guy was in the store recently and wants to have his guns shipped from Alaska. No problem. No charge. But if they stay in the store overnight, he'll have to pay the fee on each gun, which will be expensive since he's having like seven guns shipped in.

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