I was one of the first people to get my packet. I sent in the card on the very day they became available. (A guy from my gun store in Mesquite was in Austin waiting for them and drove them home rather than waiting on the mail. He then called his customers who had told him they wanted to be in the first class. Mine was in the mail headed back to Austin before the mail ran that day.) I wasn't in the first class, but I was in a class within a few weeks of the time they started them. This was before the CHL law actually went into effect. (IIRC, the law wouldn't go into effect until January, but they started classes in the September before that.)
I didn't send in the application for some time after that because I couldn't afford the fee. I think it may have been a couple years. But I called DPS and was told that it was still valid and all I had to do was mail it in with the fee, so I did. I think the number on my CHL came from the order in which the recieved the cards and sent out the packets.
My number is 09000330. I've never researched this, but I suspect that means it's the 330th one.
Been expired since 2001.
I've always meant to get it renewed and just haven't gotten around to it.
When I've had the funds, they were needed for other things, like rent and groceries. The few times I've had a good enough paying job that the class fee and application fee would have been no problem, my job was too time-consuming to get off to take classes.
I have the packet with the blank fingerprint cards and all that junk. I have to take the class and do everything over again since it's been so long. (I've had that stuff for quite a few years. I don't even know if the forms have changed and I need to get new stuff.) I am hoping I'll get to keep the same number. (I still have the expired plastic and still carry it. Why, I don't know.)
I just moved back to Texas after three years in The People's Republic of Kalifornia. I'm so happy to be back in a gun-friendly state.
I am going to get it renewed within the next few months. . . . Really, I am this time. That's why I found this forum. I was looking for information regarding renewals of expired CHL's.
If anyone knows whether or not my theory about the license number holds any water, I'd like to know. Or if anyone knows whether I could keep the same number, I'd like to know.
Another reason is time, specifically driving time. (And the cost of gasoline, which brings us back to money.) I live in Denver City, TX. That's the middle of nowhere. I drive 40 miles each way, five days a week to attent classes at New Mexico Junior College in Hobbs, NM. To take a CHL class, I'll have to drive to Lubbock, TX which is 70 miles the other direction. Closest place I know to do it. I heard there was once someone giving classes in Brownfield, which is closer. But last I heard they no longer had classes there. I noticed a member of this forum from Brownfield. Maybe someone here knows of a place closer than Lubbock?