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by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:21 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 1911: Using same extractor for 38 SuperComp and 9mm?
Replies: 5
Views: 1514

Re: 1911: Using same extractor for 38 SuperComp and 9mm?

AndyC wrote:Heck, try it out. I'd install one extractor, fire a couple hundred rounds each of 9mm and 38 through it - then do the same with the other extractor.
I'm going to do that. I just talked to Hunter at Starline and he said the rims on 9mm and 38 SuperComp are identical. He also confirmed that 38 SuperComp is a straight wall case, as is 38 Super. There won't be any issues with hot 38 Super loads from a "loose" chamber aspect. There's a lot of inaccurate information on the web about 38 SuperComp being a tapered case like the 9mm SuperComp. Maybe I need to play with 9mm SuperComp a bit to see what I can get out of them in my CZs. (I'm reverting back to my younger years when I foolishly tried to squeeze every last foot-per-second velocity out of every cartridge I loaded!).


EDITED: Ignore the comment about 9mm SuperComp. Apparently I misunderstood Hunter's comments. 9mm SuperComp is still 9X23 brass, although the headstamp is now "9X23."
by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Feb 16, 2017 2:17 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 1911: Using same extractor for 38 SuperComp and 9mm?
Replies: 5
Views: 1514

Re: 1911: Using same extractor for 38 SuperComp and 9mm?

txsmiley kf5wre wrote:Yes it will work...BUT you may need to retune the extractor..or use 2 slides. 73
by Charles L. Cotton
Thu Feb 16, 2017 1:20 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 1911: Using same extractor for 38 SuperComp and 9mm?
Replies: 5
Views: 1514

1911: Using same extractor for 38 SuperComp and 9mm?

I have two 1911s that have had Briley barrels fitted in 38 Super and 9mm. Each barrel/caliber has its own extractor for reliability. I've considered buying Starline 38 SuperComp rimless brass to see if I can use the 9mm extractor for other calibers. The difference in the rims of 9mm and 38 SuperComp is on the order of .006 so I think it should work. Has anyone tried this?

Some may wonder why I would change brass just to avoid changing an extractor. The answer is one part experiment/curiosity and one part practical application. I want to practice and shoot IDPA matches with the 9mm barrel, then put the 38 Super barrel in for self-defense if I decide to carry one of my Supers. Changing an extractor isn't hard by any means, but if I can remove one step in the process, I will. I can change a 1911 barrel in seconds.


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