Good. The only way to enforce it is to make secret ballots unlawful. There's no reason for a secret vote when you are supposed to be representing the will of the voters.Skiprr wrote:Doesn't seem so. Art Sisneros was one of four Texas electors who resigned prior to the vote; he was replaced by Janis Holt. Still seems our Ron Paul voter is a mystery. Not that it matters much right now. But that person should never serve as an elector again. IMHO.Keith B wrote:Sisneros was the vote for Ron Paul. The other vote was by Suprun for KasichE.Marquez wrote:
But who were the two faithless electors? I assume one was Christopher Suprun ..who was the other?
After the vote, Governor Abbott tweeted: "This charade is over. A bill is already filed to make these commitments binding. I look forward to signing it & ending this circus."