I like it; I like it a lot! We could organize something for either Sept. 1st (the day SB60 went into effect) or April 21st (San Jacinto Day). San Jacinto Day is after the Nov. elections and well into the 2017 Texas Legislative session, both of which are negatives. Sept. 1st is just around the corner in the realm of organizing events of any size.TexasJohnBoy wrote:So, how about a national day when we all bring attention to the perils introduced into our society by restricting law abiding citizens second amendment right to keep and bear arms? A day to remember those who are victims of "gun free zones"? A day to reflect on what it means to be forced to give up your means of self defence as a law abiding individual, while criminals ignore laws put in place by your legislature? We could wear a color to symbolize it, or something like that.
Just a thought...
If there's enough interest, I'll put together a task force to organize and publicize it through the Texas Firearms Coalition.
I'll post a poll just to gauge interest.