This has been my experience also. I've asked students over the years why they did that and most have no answer. My theory is that folks without firearms training do what comes natural; they grip the handgun or long gun with all 5 or 10 fingers. When we grip most any object, other than a firearm, we wrap all 5 or 10 finger around it and including the index finger of our strong hand. I've seen some new folks put all 5 fingers of their strong hand on the pistol grip, with the trigger finger under the trigger guard. Again, this is a natural grip. When I tell them to remove their index/trigger finger, slide the gun down in their hand, they naturally put their trigger finger inside the trigger guard to feel a natural grip.dlh wrote:. . . I have taught lots of folks to shoot through the years. One of the most common things I see beginners do (not sure why they do this) is put their finger in the trigger guard housing when they first handle the firearm so I make it a point to tell them not to do that before I give them the gun.
There you have it; a lawyer playing amateur shrink.