Charles L. Cotton wrote:More importantly, any person or organization that "joins with" or supports NAGR must not have done the least bit of research about Dudley Brown or NAGR. Here is a link to a post by the Second Amendment Foundation. Read about some of NAGR's escapades. Be sure to read the letter from Students for Concealed Carry President Daniel Crocker to Dudley Brown in response to NAGR's attempt to claim credit for a legal victory to which NAGR was not a party.
The Minnesota Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance responded on its Facebook page to a bogus NAGR/Dudley Brown solicitation email that claimed the gun rights group was supporting gun control. "There is an inflammatory email being sent to Minnesotans by an out-of-state individual who has never actually accomplished anything for Minnesota gun rights (or those of any other state that we can see). The real purpose of this email is the same as all the rest of the emails this individual sends: to solicit donations."
This Dudley Brown/NAGR that has been condemned by long-standing gun rights organizations is the same Dudley Brown/NAGR that OCT proudly claims as an ally. I am reminded of the old adage that "one who lays down with dogs gets up with fleas." The true nature of OCT is becoming clear.