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by Charles L. Cotton
Wed May 23, 2007 5:13 pm
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TSRA Final Legislative Report
Replies: 9
Views: 11013

TSRA Final Legislative Report

I am posting the final TSRA legislative report (Bill Status Report) below, but I also want to take the opportunity to express my appreciation for some real heros this session. As always, I’m sure I’ll forget some names I should mention, so I’ll apologize in advance if I leave someone out.

TSRA’s Legislative Director and lobbyist Alice Tripp and NRA lobbyist Tara Mica did a tremendous job! They worked incredible hours and their efforts resulted in the most successful legislative session we’ve had in years. In fact, it may be a record year. We passed 8 of our 9 bills, with the “parking lot� bill dying at midnight last night on the House Calendar. In addition to passing 8 of our 9 bills, we also killed all anti-gun bills.

Merely putting in a lot of hours isn’t enough to achieve this level of success. It’s critical to know what to do and when! These ladies are masters at tactics and timing and we all owe them more than most folks will ever know. The nature of this work is such that your efforts are conducted largely under the radar, so most people never know who is really responsible for a bill’s passage or defeat. I wish I could reveal some of Alice’s and Tara’s war stories to give you a better idea of how much impact they have had on the lives of Texas gun-owners, but to do so would jeopardize their future effectiveness. It is amazing what can be accomplished by only two dedicated individuals. If you get a chance, send Alice and Tara an email expressing your appreciation for all of their efforts. I can’t give out Tara’s email address, but Alice can be reached at You can simply make it applicable to both Alice and Tara.

We also are blessed to have legislative heros as well. Senators Deuell, Wentworth, Hinojosa, Carona, and Hegar, along with Chairman Driver and Representatives Corte, Isett, Rose, Phillips, Flynn and Kuempel all carried bills for us, lending their names and prestige to our issues. Chairman Driver and Sen.Wentworth worked like Trojans to get record numbers of co-authors and co-sponsors on Castle Doctrine Bills. Sen. Hinojosa (“Chuy�) was a magician when it came to saving HB1815 (Motorist Protection Act) as time for committee consideration was quickly running out. He even managed to get it on the Local & Uncontested Calendar and kept it on there for passage this morning! Sen. Deuell was a true workhorse for us, carrying more bills in one session that I can recall anyone ever doing. And Sen. Hegar lead the charge for us on “employer parking lots� fading a lot of heat from the business lobby in the process. We need to remember and thank all of our friends for their support.

Again, I’m sure I’m leaving someone out, so I’ll probably be amending this post – probably several times!

And thanks to you the NRA and TSRA supporters for giving us the opportunity to serve not only our members, but all gun-owners. In spite of all of our efforts, it is you the members who are our true strength. Without you, nothing we could say or do would make any difference in Austin. It has been a very successful session and we are already working toward 2009. With your continued help and support, we will continue a march that began long before 1995 saw the landmark signing of SB60 (CHL statute). As for now, I’m tired and I’m going to take a break from gun business; at least until Tuesday after Memorial Day!


TSRA wrote: TSRA Bill Status Report

Final Updated 5/23/07 80th Legislative Session

Castle Doctrine/“Stand Your Ground Legislation~SB 378 by S Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio)/Rep. Joe Driver (R-Garland)

Proposed legislation would establish a presumption in law that if a criminal unlawfully enters or intrudes into your home, occupied vehicle or place of business, that he is there to cause death or great bodily harm, and you may use any manner of force, including deadly force, against him. The bill would also explicitly state in law that you have no “duty to retreat� from a criminal attack if you are in a place you have a right to be and you are not engaged in unlawful activity. Lastly, the proposal would limit the ability of criminals and their families to sue victims for killing or injuring their attackers.

First Bill signed by Governor Perry this legislative session!

Emergency Powers Act Amendments~SB 112 by Senator John Carona (R-Dallas)/Rep. Frank Corte (R-San Antonio)

This legislative initiative would prevent the seizure and confiscation of legally-possessed firearms during a state of emergency or natural disaster. Hundreds of cases of such activity were documented in New Orleans and neighboring areas in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. The bill would prevent the similar denial of an individual’s constitutional rights by state or local officials in the unfortunate eventof any future man-made or natural disasters in Texas.

Passed and Signed by Governor Perry!

Replacement for the “Traveling� Law Passed in 2005~
HB 1815 by Rep. Carl Isett (R-Lubbock)/Senator Juan “Chuy� Hinojosa (D-McAllen).
Currently referred to as the Motorists Protection Act.

For years, Texas law provided for a defense to prosecution against a charge of carrying a
concealed handgun without a permit if the person was “traveling.� However, “traveling� was
never defined in law. In 2005, the Texas Legislature passed a bill establishing that a person is
presumed to be traveling if he or she is in a private motor vehicle, is not engaged in criminal activity, is not prohibited by law from possessing a firearm, and is not a member of a criminal street gang.

The clear intent was to protect law-abiding citizens’ right to carry a handgun concealed for personal protection in their cars or trucks without needing a Concealed Handgun License (CHL).
However, some District Attorneys in Texas have thumbed their nose at the intent of the law and
have gone so far as to issue public statements that they will arrest anyone found within their
jurisdiction to be carrying a handgun in his or her vehicle without a CHL. Further changes
are necessary to address this problem. HB 1815 includes the same safeguards and requirements passed by the 79th Legislature;
however it will no longer be an offense for Texans to have a handgun in their vehicle or a vehicle under their control.

Passed and is on its way to the Governor's desk! (5/23)

CHL Employee Rights – Allow CHLs to Have Handguns In Locked Private Vehicles
In Parking Areas~SB 534 by Senator Glenn Hegar (R-Katy)/Rep. Patrick Rose (D-Dripping Springs)

Individuals go through the rigorous background check, training and application process to obtain
CHL so that they can protect themselves in a lawful, responsible manner. However, if an employer’s “No Firearms� policy extends beyond the physical workplace to include parking lots
and garages, employees who are CHLs are effectively prohibited from protecting themselves
during the workweek - they may only keep their firearms in their vehicles if they park them off
company property and on public roadways, which may be unsafe or unavailable.

Proposed legislation would give CHLs the right to transport and store their handgun in
locked vehicles on company property and would also provide immunity from liability for employers. This legislation was modeled after current Southwest Airlines policy.

Passed in the Senate
Finally placed on the House Calendar for May 22, but near the end of a very long list of bills.
Died on the House Calendar on May 22 with 170 other bills that were left pending at midnight!

CHL Confidentiality~HB 991 by Rep. Patrick Rose (D-Dripping Springs)/Sen. Bob Deuell (R-Greenville.

Bill would prohibit access to information regarding CHL applicants and licenseholders, except by federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and their employees. Twenty Six "Shall Issue" states have enacted confidentiality provisions as part of their concealed carry statutes.

Passed and on the Governor's Desk to be signed~!

Possession of Handgun by a CHL on LCRA Property (SB 535 by Sen. Glenn Hegar)

Section 62.081 of the Parks & Wildlife Code generally prohibits the possession and discharge of firearms on LCRA property, with a few exceptions. DPS rescinded an administrative rule that included CHLs in this ban after the Legislature passed SB 501 in 2003, which limited the authority of public entities to ban CHLs from public property. However, a clarification is still necessary to existing law that would allow the possession of a handgun by a CHL on LCRA property and permit the discharge of a handgun by a CHL for lawful self-defense purposes.

Passed and on Governor Perry's desk! (5/17)

TSRA Specialized License Plate - Language Change. HB 2045 by Rep. Larry Phillips (R-Sherman)/Senator Bob Deuell (R-Greenville)Clarifying language directing 50% of funds collected to be used at the discretion of 4-H Shooting Sports and 50% to enrich the endowed Tubb Scholarship at Texas A&M University.

Passed and on Governor Perry's desk! (5/15)

Laser-sight hunting of Texas game animals for visually handicapped hunters~HB 308 by Rep. Edmund Kuempel (R-Seguin)/Senator Craig Estes (R-Wichita Falls)

Texas is not passing a law to make it legal for blind people to hunt. It is currently legal for anyone with a Texas hunting license and no handicap is excluded. TSRA supports the passage of HB 308 to create a better hunting experience and more ethical shot for legally blind hunters when hunting with a sighted spotter of a certain age.

Passed and is on its way to Governor Perry's desk. 5/22

Protect 2nd Amendment Rights for Foster Parents. SB 322 by Senator Bob Deuell (R-Greenville)/Rep. Dan Flynn (R-Van)

The homes of foster children are regularly and thoroughly inspected for any number of hazards including storage of medicines, power tools, swimming pools, hazardous chemicals, and firearm.

However, new rules developed by Texas Child Protective Services would exclude all firearms from the property of foster parents with “special needs� children. These CPS rules are the most restrictive in the country, more restrictive than New York or California. Such a hardship on families, who have passed repeated safety and storage inspections and now must choose between the love of children in their care or their legal possessions, is wrong.

Passed and on its way to the Governor's desk (5/17)

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