This reminds me of the "Saturday Night Special" garbage the media and anti-gunners were preaching not too many years ago. News reports talked about how these cheap guns were so unreliable that "good" people wouldn't want or need them, thus there was no reason for them to be produced. Well, guess what; the street "folks" listened and started carrying much better guns. Thanks a lot ABC news!Baytown wrote:If criminals are going to have guns, I would prefer them to have a TEC-9. This goes to show what a huge POS these things are.
Like I teach in my classes, my first prayer (literally) is that I never have to use a firearm in self-defense. The second prayer is that, if the first isn't answered the way I want, then let the would-be murder be armed with a cheap .25 ACP, let him be holding it sideways about 18" inches above his head pointing downward. I think I know how that battle will come out.