You can carry at NRA events because the convention centers and hotels want our business. When we come to a city, we bring tens of millions of dollars with us. Plus, they already have CGL coverage and they don't require us to get additional coverage. When we came to Houston a few years ago, we made the City scrape their unenforceable 30.06 language off of the glass at the Reliant Center. The City was happy to do it.
Friends of the NRA Dinners (FONRA) are not "gun shows" in the insurance world They are a dinner and auction where people are no more likely to draw their concealed handguns to try on a holster or show them off than they would when dining out or attending any other fundraiser.
drjoker wrote:It's a carpetbagger conspiracy. Where are most insurance company's headquarters located? In New York City. BTW, the gun show promoters are LYING! It's not that the insurance requires the 30.06 sign, but that the insurance would be more expensive if there is no 30.06 posting. For example, at the NRA annual meeting in Arizona in '09, I was carrying. I was carrying at the NRA "gun show". There were no gun ban signs present. Only events where they served alcohol were posted with gun ban signs. If you can carry at an NRA gun show, then how come you can't carry at other gun shows? What about Friends of the NRA meetings? These are kind of like gun shows. You bid for guns at auctions. I have been to many of these meetings/gun auctions and none of them are 30.06 posted. Some of these shindigs are bigger than some smaller gun shows. So, if you can carry at NRA gun shows, how come you can't carry at other gun shows? Because these 30.06 sign posting gun show promoters are Lying, greedy, carpetbagger lovers, that's why!Mike1951 wrote:Each of us must decide when to take a stand, but you should understand why shows are posted.
To rent a venue, the promoter must purchase insurance. The insurance requires the 30.06 posting.
Without the insurance and the required posting, there would be no gun shows.
When TSRA held gun shows in conjunction with their annual meetings, to obtain insurance, even the TSRA was required to post their show.
Guys, thanks for bringing this gun show 30.06 situation to my attention. I was totally oblivious and ignorant of this issue because I never carry to gun shows. I don't see the point in carrying a gun to a gun show because I'm going to walk out of there with plenty of guns and ammo. Plus, there are lots of cops there, too. However, the fact that carrying isn't a necessity at a gun show is irrelevant because posting that 30.06 sign is a violation of our 2nd amendment civil rights. What really chaps my hide is that a GUN SHOW promoter is doing this! Of all people, a gun show promoter should know better than to infringe on our right to bear arms!
Let's boycott 'em and write 'em.