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by Charles L. Cotton
Wed Jan 12, 2011 3:47 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: my first time
Replies: 33
Views: 4987

Re: my first time

Oldgringo wrote:Driving in excess of the posted speed limit is a crime. If one thinks the penalties are too severe, don't do it; OR leave earlier for your destination.

FWIW, I have no more sympathies for speeders than I do for rapists and bank robbers, etc. Let the punishment fit the crime. BTW, I think the the Old Testament is kinda' cool...but that's just me.
Except that most speed limits are revenue generators having little if anything to do with safety. Once over about 50 mph, the impact of a collision is usually going to have the same result on the occupants. So having a 65 mph limit on I-45 inside of Houston, 70 mph further out, and 80 mph in west Texas has no real impact on the death rate from accidents. The body may be in worse shape at 80 than 65, but dead is dead.

I know this isn't want traffic officers say and it's certainly not what agency administration will say, but pass a law that says all traffic fines go to the state for school funding and see what happens to traffic enforcement.


BTW, 15 mph over along won't support a reckless driving charge. It can't even effect your insurance rates until you are either 20 or 25 mph over.


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