I have mixed emotions about posting this, because I preach to everyone that will listen about the importance of continued training and practice. Nevertheless, a LEO’s comments about LEO’s in general being more competent at arms than citizens raises my blood pressure.
While there are statistics (accurate or not) that speak to the deplorable hit ratio among LEO’s involved in shootings, there are no similar statistics for citizen shootings. The assumption that citizen self-defense shootings will suffer the same poor hit ratio is pure speculation. The overall hit ratio for LEO’s includes not only the familiar “7 yards or closer� scenarios, but also shootings of much greater distance. They also involve scenarios citizens are not as likely to face (fleeing vehicles, “running� gun battles, concealed or barricaded shooters, etc.). It is entirely possible that the majority of citizen self-defense shootings would enjoy a higher hit ratio, perhaps a much higher ratio. This too is speculation, but no less plausible than the contrary.
Now I can’t close without a pitch for training and practice. Do it! Practice as often as time and money will allow. As for training, if you can afford to go to a major school then by all means do so. But if that isn’t in the budget, you have several other options. There are traveling instructors that offer excellent instruction like those posted by txinvestigator, Rooster and Paladin. You can get training from local shooters who are skilled not only in shooting but in training others. (Not every good shooter can teach equally well.) Don’t make the mistake of going to the range and just putting rounds down range in a mindless exercise. Before leaving your home, decide precisely what you are going to work on that day. . And be sure to also work on what you do poorly, not only the things you do well. It may not be much of an ego-builder, but it just may save your life or a life you value more than your own.
I’d like to echo what txinvestigator said. The SWAT guys have a great hit ratio because of their dedication to practice and because of their mind-set. I personally believe that mind-set is every bit as important as practice, perhaps more so, but I’m not saying a good attitude takes the place of practice.
Train, practice and pray our Lord never allows us to be in a position where we have to put those skills and our determination to the test.
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- by Charles L. Cotton
- Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:28 pm
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Uncertain about this instructor...
- Replies: 39
- Views: 8708
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