There is far more I don't know about Texas agency appropriations than I do know! It is my understanding that currently it's all "state money," but when we were trying to use the $8million surplus as a basis for reducing the CHL fees, it was reported to us that it was a surplus in the "Concealed Handgun Account." I don't recall if this was in the General Revenue Account, or if it was on DPS' books. In all candor, we didn't care if it was truly their money to spend, or if it went into the state coffers, because the fee was supposed to be set at an amount to cover the cost of processing and it was clearly too high. If I recall correctly, the Fiscal Note that went along with SB60 in 1995 had projected an excess of expenses over revenue in CHL licensing the first year (1996), a surplus in 1997 and then a zero effect (expenses = revenue) from then on. By 1997 or 1998, there was a large surplus that only got bigger. I'll try to find the Fiscal Note if anyone is interested.txinvestigator wrote:Is it true that all fees paid to DPS goes to the GF? We have some of the same "time problems" with the Private Security Bureau of DPS.
As for Private Security licenses, the background checks may be processed by the same unit at DPS. I've been told that what used to be solely a CHL department now has to process other applications, at least as far as background checks are concerned, but I have not confirmed that information.