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Fri Jan 25, 2013 10:41 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
Replies: 57
Views: 10129

Re: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting

I have questions about the events, little things that stick out, or are unanswered.

Did Adam Lanza even have a driver's license?? I remember reading an article (Daily Mail, I think?) where it mentioned that Adam's mother had worked hard to get him one. I wonder if he was capable of having one? So, any folks with law enforcement connections in the Northeast that can access the public records (or not so public records) and pull his info to see if he had a driver's license?

I say all this as my wife used to work with folks (all adults, at least by age) that were special needs and I've met a few of the clients. It was a mix of MHMR across the clients. Suffice it to say that NONE of them drove, had a license, etc. The high-functioning clients lived in group homes with the rare exception of one or two living on their own in an apartment, yet no driving. I know that you cannot paint all special needs folks with a wide brush after having met just a few...but I'm curious about the driving angle.

OK, so now, what about the car?? The Honda Civic from the scene that is supposedly Lanza's...reports I've seen show it as being registered to a Chris Rodia. It just seems fishy. I'm not a "conspiracy nutjob" (I'm just a nutjob :biggrinjester: )...but I smell something rotten...and it's not me, I just bathed.

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