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by CodeJockey
Tue Feb 09, 2010 1:27 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Suspicious Character Last Night
Replies: 24
Views: 4099

Re: Suspicious Character Last Night

Basically I'm near Golden Triangle (1709) and Alta Vista.
by CodeJockey
Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:50 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Suspicious Character Last Night
Replies: 24
Views: 4099

Re: Suspicious Character Last Night

joe817 in CW by any chance? :mrgreen:
Well, no I'm a programmer by trade, so that's where it comes from, but I'm also KF5CKB.

73! :-)

EDIT: I modified my profile I used to work in Keller, and live in Arlington. After my house was broken into a couple of years ago we decided to move to Keller so it was closer to my work. I just had forgotten to update my location. Of course, the irony here is that now I live in Keller and work in Arlington. Heh, what are you going to do.
by CodeJockey
Tue Feb 09, 2010 11:15 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Suspicious Character Last Night
Replies: 24
Views: 4099

Re: Suspicious Character Last Night

I did call the police and filed a report. Hopefully that will help if / when they try this again. We'll see.
by CodeJockey
Tue Feb 09, 2010 10:45 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Suspicious Character Last Night
Replies: 24
Views: 4099

Suspicious Character Last Night

So last night about 10pm, my wife and I were watching TV, and the kids were asleep in bed. The doorbell rings. That was really odd because there is nobody that should be calling at that hour. I look outside there is no vehicle, so I head downstairs. Before I get to the door, whoever it is starts knocking very agressively (way too agressively to be just knocking). So I lift up my shirt and put my hand on my G30. I look out the peephole, and it is a punk kid with a hooded sweatshirt (hood pulled all the way up) standing there. I didn't know him. This is where the never again comes in. I figure there were two choices. Answer the door, or don't answer it but call police. I tell my wife to take her gun and go in the kids room with the phone. I then answer the door partially, keeping my gun, hand, and hip hidden behind the door. The kid immediately starts rambling on about some fundraiser he's doing (he has no paperwork whatsoever). He tells me he needs to interview me, and proceeds to ask what I do for a living. The whole time he's looking nervously to the side of my house.

Now, I know he's obviously not doing a fundraiser as he has no paper work, in my opinion he's 19-20 so probably not in high school, and it's way too late for door-to-door fundraising anyway. I told him to get out of there, and he took off at a run.

The event was non-violent, but I think I made a tactical decision in opening the door. In retrospect I probably should have kept it shut, called police, and waited (armed) until they got there. I figure it was 1 of 2 things. He was either looking for a female home alone or a home where nobody was home so they could rob it. I'm also fairly confident that there was at least one other person around the side b/c there was absolutely nothing else to look at as he was doing. As for why he asked me what I did for a living. I have no idea. I think he was hoping I'd give him some clue as to what hours I work so he'd know when we weren't home. Any thoughts?

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