They will get to you eventually. As Clarionite wrote, (Paraphrasing) Gun owners will be "Othered" we will be lumped in with WS and become the enemy of the people. The NG will back up Beto's stormtroopers who will come from the ranks of Antifa and BLM (Recruited out of necessity after all the good cops quit.)Well, I guess that'll work just great in the cities. However, not all of us live in a city, and some of us live in areas where it's pretty much nothing but "flyover country deplorables".
It can't happen, right? the NG would never turn on lawful gun owners. Right?
Remember Hurricane Katrina?
Remember the NG going house to house seizing firearms?
Remember when they body slammed an old woman and ripped the gun from her hand all the while telling her they were there to help?
Joe and Beto may have to get tricky and send the MI NG to Texas and vise versa so it won't be your neighbor taking your gun.
Worry not. Uncle Joe has a plan for you and best of all - its for your own good.