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by phoneguy
Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:44 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Knit Picking about "The EXAM"
Replies: 54
Views: 8708

Re: Knit Picking about "The EXAM"

WildBill wrote:
usa1 wrote:the test is very very hard , no breaks ,instructors are brutal, and they make you stand out in the sun for hours. :shock:
Don't forget about the part where you have to field strip, clean and reassemble your handgun. Blindfolded. :biggrinjester:
Or like an episode of "The Unit", where you are blinfolded, and told there are the parts for 5 different handguns, now put them together. (While the other clowns are stumpling around, our young super-stud hero assembles 7 guns. What a guy.)

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