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by The Annoyed Man
Fri Jun 21, 2019 9:49 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: California to Texas migration
Replies: 21
Views: 10443

Re: California to Texas migration

ELB wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2019 4:54 pm
03Lightningrocks wrote: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:31 pm I heard on the radio the other day that a U-haul rental was 475 dollars from Texas to Kalifornia but 1500 dollars from Kalifornia to Texas. Eventually u-haul will pay people to take a rental to Kali.
I am a Uhaul neighborhood dealer. This kind of price difference has been true for several years. At this precise moment, a 26' truck, the kind you move your whole house with, from Los Angeles to Houston is $3,965.00 (plus fees and taxes). From Houston to Los Angeles, same truck is $967.00 (again plus fees and taxes). That's four times as much to move LA-HOU versus HOU-LA.

Right now anyone taking a UHaul truck out of Texas (at least my market area of Texas) is being offered a free enclosed trailer, just to get them out of Texas.

Everybody is moving to Texas, very few are moving out, and the trucks and trailers are piling up here.
I had that that same experience back in 2006 when I moved here from California, and needed to rent an enclosed trailer. LA->DFW was easily 2x-3x as much as DFW->LA .... and that was 13 years ago. The same year I left, California had a net loss in population of about 450,000 residents. They didn’t ALL come to Texas, but a bunch of them did.

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