Officer: “Where’s your bump stock? Why didn’t you turn it in? We have your purchasing records, you know.”thehemi wrote:I apologize if this is the wrong section. I wasn't sure if this was a Texas specific section?
Lame Duck Christie Signs Bump Stock Ban: New Jerseyans Have 90 Days to Surrender Them ... nder-them/
No grandfather clause and, I assume, no compensation upon turn-in?Just before leaving office Tuesday for good, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill (S3477/A5200) banning bump stocks.
Effective immediately, it is now illegal to sell or possess the popular rifle accessory. The ban also extends to trigger cranks.
Violators of the new law face stiff penalties, including three-to-five years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.
There is no grandfather clause for current bump stock owners. Those who own the devices will have 90 days, until April 15, to turn them over to law enforcement. Retailers who sell bump stocks have 30 days.
Gun owner: “Neither under the previous law, nor under the existing law, was it ever, or is it now required for me to report that mine fell overboard while fishing in Delaware Bay. I sure wish I had it back. It was a nifty little device - perfect for militia use, and as a means of tempering and controlling the arrogance of officialdom. But it’s too late now. Sigh.......”