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by The Annoyed Man
Sat Apr 15, 2017 11:05 am
Forum: Other States
Topic: Freedom Lost
Replies: 23
Views: 7385

Re: Freedom Lost

ajwakeboarder wrote:Good Evening Gentlemen. I have settled into an apartment in Tracy. It's about a hour outside of the bay area and has a bit of a smallish town feel. I haven't brought any of my guns yet, but i may bring my shotgun and my pistol when I come back. It is completely illegal to bring any of my AR style rifles :( My dad gets to hold on to them for a while I guess. It is theoretically possible to transfer at some point, but it is really hard to leave this location because no one else wants to come here. Cost of living and taxes are worse than I ever imagined, but we'll make it. Thank you all for your comments and concern. I will continue to frequent the forum to get a little taste of home. I will try to get back as soon as I am able.
Best of luck to you dude. Do stay in touch.
by The Annoyed Man
Sun Mar 19, 2017 6:14 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: Freedom Lost
Replies: 23
Views: 7385

Re: Freedom Lost

Riley wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:MY prediction is that, as those models used by police departments begin to drop off the list, the manufacturers of those models will begin refusing to ship their guns OR PARTS FOR THOSE GUNS into California's various LEO department armories
I wish that were true but those single source contracts are too lucrative for them to turn down.
But they would still have to comply with the requirement to provide guns that microstamp. As far as I know, there is no exception under the law for law enforcement. That would eventually eliminate even a willing participant in California's fascism.
by The Annoyed Man
Sun Mar 19, 2017 5:35 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: Freedom Lost
Replies: 23
Views: 7385

Re: Freedom Lost

carlson1 wrote:
This appears to be a big help. I find it amazing they even list the color of some of the firearms. I noticed on Glock it listed the OD green. I don't think I would get to be a free man there as I would be arrested and on perpetual probation.
Worse yet, the roster is a list of guns that are approved for FFLs to SELL in California.

Gen 4 Glocks (and a LOT of other models from other manufacturers) aren't on the current roster, and likely won't be. To be on the roster, a manufacturer has to supply sample guns to the state for examination in order to be included. Manufacturers aren't bothering to submit their firearms for inclusion to the roster because of California's mandated microstampting requirement, which all manufacturers know is simply an impractical requirement that won't work. In January of last year, 80 formerly legal-to-sell handguns dropped off the roster. Each year, more of them drop off the roster. In just a few years, there won't be any handguns on the California approved roster for sale in the state. When that happens, the only legally owned handguns in California will be those that were in private hands......and who knows how long before those are made illegal and are required to be "turned in".

Quoting my link:
Since January 2014, when the UHA roster contained 1,152 approved models, it has constricted to 741 in the past two years as legacy handguns, certified for a five-year period, cannot meet the state’s new microstamping mandate that took effect in 2013 and fall off the list. In 2008, the number of guns on the roster stood at over 1,400.

This month no less than 80 guns to include several models of Colt’s M1991, a dozen Sig Sauer P-series variants, a whole page of Springfield XDs and the last two Ruger semi-autos on the list — the discontinued P95/KP95 pistols — all passed their certification period and were subsequently removed.

Worse, the list of guns recently added is blank as manufacturers to include Ruger and Smith & Wesson have declined to re-submit any of their guns following the addition of the microstamping requirement.

“California’s handgun roster and microstamping laws are a nothing short of a ban on safe, modern firearms that are commonly purchased by residents of other states for lawful purposes like self-defense,” Brandon Combs, executive director of the Calguns Foundation told Tuesday.

“We predicted years ago that the roster would continue to shrink, and we’re seeing that here,” he said. predicts that in six years, the roster will sink to zero approved guns for sale by an FFL in California.........which is EXACTLY what the gun-grabbing commies in California wanted.

MY prediction is that, as those models used by police departments begin to drop off the list, the manufacturers of those models will begin refusing to ship their guns OR PARTS FOR THOSE GUNS into California's various LEO department armories, just like Barrett did a few years ago with their .50 cal rifles. Ammo companies have already begun withdrawing from that failed states. When that happens, the state's criminals - who NEVER had any trouble getting their hands on any guns they wanted, at any time and in any place - will be in full control of the state. For a while, the police will continue to try and put up a fight against it, but over time, their existing inventory of weapons will wear out, AND their ammo inventories will be burned up. California may try to sidestep federal law (as it already does in other areas of the law) and try to import foreign made weapons and ammo supplies into the state. What remains to be seen then will be whether or not fedgov't will interfere in preventing the imports; the degree to which the state's governor, whom I assume will be Big Daddy Governor for Life Idi Moonbeam, will attempt to mobilize the CANG for law enforcement purposes; and the degree to which the sitting POTUS will assist or interfere in that effort.

But there is no denying that California's gov't is a failing state, and their attacks on the 2nd Amendment lead the way in that "effort". It should be an object lesson for the other 49 states. Unfortunately, half a dozen others are headed down that same road.
by The Annoyed Man
Sat Mar 18, 2017 11:57 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: Freedom Lost
Replies: 23
Views: 7385

Re: Freedom Lost

rotor wrote:Spent 4 years at Travis in the early 70's. California was livable then. My brothers live in San Jose and are always trying to figure out how to beat the gun laws in Commiefornia. Serve your time in California and hope you can transfer back to a real state after that. As a pilot I have tremendous respect for the wonderful work that flight controllers do. Never had a bad experience and was always helped when the road ahead looked bad. This was way before the improved weather capability we have now.
Remember to visit the great wineries in Napa valley. Vallejo and east are nice living areas. The one thing I did note when I moved to Texas, the price of housing in California was 3 times the equivalent house in Texas. Don't even think San Francisco.
We had friends who moved from Pasadena up to Palo Alto during the first dot com boom circa 1998 or so. They paid over $900,000 for a 850 sq ft house. When we moved here in 2006, we sold our Pasadena house for $530K. We had paid $170K for it just a 7 years earlier in 1999. 2 weeks after we sold, the CA housing bubble burst, and within a month after moving in, the new owner of our old house, who had paid $530K for it, was sitting in a $280K house with more than $500K in mortgage to pay. The real estate market in California is psychotic.

Best of luck with your move though. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to answer.
by The Annoyed Man
Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:22 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: Freedom Lost
Replies: 23
Views: 7385

Re: Freedom Lost

K.Mooneyham wrote:P.S. Make sure you go eat at Claim Jumpers, it's an excellent restaurant chain in the state.
......but DON'T wear a tie in there. It used to be that if you wore a tie into a Claim Jumpers, one of the waiters would take a pair of scissors to it, and tack the trophy to the "wall of ties".
by The Annoyed Man
Sat Mar 18, 2017 9:20 pm
Forum: Other States
Topic: Freedom Lost
Replies: 23
Views: 7385

Re: Freedom Lost

Approved roster of handguns legal to buy/sell in California.

If you have any pistols (or rifles) with magazine capacities of 10 rounds or greater — assuming that the firearm is legal in California to begin with — you'll have to replace all the mags with 10-round versions. Some pistols, like say a Glock (Gen4 for instance) may be legal to own, but not legal to transfer.

I have found that the forum is a very good source of what's legal and what isn't: How CA Laws Apply to/Affect Me is one place to start.

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