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by The Annoyed Man
Wed Mar 15, 2017 9:37 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Exfil Info: Status of Celebrities, Politicians, & Others Who Said They Would Leave the US
Replies: 53
Views: 14470

Re: Exfil Info: Status of Celebrities, Politicians, & Others Who Said They Would Leave the US

Abraham wrote:Not an insult to the OP, but I simply don't pay any attention to so-called celebrities.

I have no care about anything they bang on about.

If, a medical authority had something to say or some other person of note, I'd pay attention.

Some, show biz type - you're kidding right...?

Their opinon isn't to be paid any attention...
Abraham, you're absolutely right, of course. It's just that it is so fun to see these self-inflated lowest common denominators make such ridiculous threats, and then backing out of their threats when they didn't get there way. It's a LOL-fest.

Before each of Obama's election wins, exactly how many conservative celebrities threatened to leave if he won? Exactly none. Not being spoiled little snowflakes, they faced into the wind, sacked up, and soldiered on. They might have vehemently disagreed with Obama's statements and policies, but they didn't say he wasn't their president. What they DID say was that he was their president, and they didn't like that very much. That's called maturity.........a character trait the lefties in hollywood lack, inasmuch as they lack any character at all.

Little lefty crybabies with too much money and too much bully pulpit, making empty threats, as if we would all just perish of mortification if they actually left! Let 'em! As you point out, nobody is paying attention, so nobody cares!
by The Annoyed Man
Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:36 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Exfil Info: Status of Celebrities, Politicians, & Others Who Said They Would Leave the US
Replies: 53
Views: 14470

Re: Exfil Info: Status of Celebrities, Politicians, & Others Who Said They Would Leave the US

Skiprr wrote:Chelsea Handler (Does anybody actually watch Chelsea Handler? "I did buy a house in another country just in case, so all of these people that threaten to leave the country and then don't, I will leave the country." We will monitor your exfil, Chelsea.) ... he-country
Chelsea started her prestigious NetFlix show in tears, complaining that the election didn’t go her way. She brought out some kind of gargoyle, later identified as Barbara Boxer, to help her deal with the reality that Hillary Clinton lost the election.

Before we get to her breaking her promise to leave the country if Trump won, here’s what she has said:

“I’m going to need to go to Canada if [Trump] gets elected. I don’t know what the rules are to move there but a lot of us are feeling that way. A lot of us are going to want to leave the country,” said Handler on a previous episode of her show.


“I did buy a house in another country just in case, so all of these people that threaten to leave the country and then don’t — I will leave the country,” she said in an interview.

She seems pretty serious about leaving the country if Trump won the election, which he did, so how are those moving plans coming along? In this weepy Barbara Boxer interview, Handler went back on her promise:

“It’s so easy to say throw in the towel and that we’re going to leave or I’m going to move to Spain, because I want to move to Spain. I really, really want to move to Spain right now,” said Handler.

But she ain’t going, because she is too important to leave:

“Everyone in my office is like, ‘You have a responsibility, you have a voice and you need to use it, and you have to be here,'” she said.
And these idiots (really tried to think of a more charitable pejorative, but none seemed to match) wonder why fewer and fewer people take ANYthing they say seriously......
by The Annoyed Man
Thu Nov 10, 2016 5:57 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Exfil Info: Status of Celebrities, Politicians, & Others Who Said They Would Leave the US
Replies: 53
Views: 14470

Re: Exfil Info: Status of Celebrities, Politicians, & Others Who Said They Would Leave the US

Morbidrealities wrote:Miley already backed out of her promise. Count one for the liars list.
So the next time she says something, and then backs it with "I don't say things I don't mean", we can all roll our eyes at her and say, "yeah, I heard you the last time you said that...........and then didn't do it........"

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