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by The Annoyed Man
Thu Feb 23, 2017 11:54 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 5.7x28 - the real skinny?
Replies: 49
Views: 14546

Re: 5.7x28 - the real skinny?

parabelum wrote:Here are some pictures of my fn with Glock 32. FiveSeven is obviously bigger, but surprisingly doesn't really feel that much larger, maybe due to its reduced weight.
So..... a couple of impressions/questions from looking at your pictures......

1. Would it be accurate to say that the FN is roughly the same size as a G17 in terms of height and length?

2. From front strap to back strap, the FN grip looks like it is roughly the same dimension as one of the .45 ACP or 10mm Glock grip frames. Would that be accurate?
by The Annoyed Man
Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:42 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 5.7x28 - the real skinny?
Replies: 49
Views: 14546

Re: 5.7x28 - the real skinny?

mrvmax wrote:I'm not sure if you have tried to find 22mag Ammo lately but it is hard to find. It can be found online at a few places but the 5.7 Ammo is easier to obtain right now.
Actually, no I haven't. I only own one firearm capable of firing it, and that is a cheap single action revolver with a .22 LR and a .22 WMR cylinder. I've never even fired any WMR in it. To what is the decline in .22 WMR inventory due?
by The Annoyed Man
Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:53 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 5.7x28 - the real skinny?
Replies: 49
Views: 14546

Re: 5.7x28 - the real skinny?

I believe I've mentioned this before, but a while back, Gun-Tests magazine did a comparison between the FN pistol, and the Kel-Tec PMR-30 in .22 WMR. In addition to comparing the two pistols side by side, they tested the ammo they had for both pistols in a wax ballistic medium to measure the relative depth and size of wound cavities of the two calibers.

You have to have an active subscription to read the full thing, but the article can be found here: ... s=GRDetail

In some regards, the test is irrelevant. The PMR-30 is (or was, the last time I checked) manufactured from unobtanium, whereas one can readily find the FiveseveN.

Here is what they said about the test medium:
We used several tubes of Ballistic Technology’s wax-like, easy-to-use Handgun Bullet Test Tubes (#100-002-900, $28) to take the guesswork out of determining terminal bullet performance. We were able to accurately measure penetration, retained bullet weight, expansion, and wound-cavity size for the two rounds and found the magnum more than holds its own with the 5.7. At close range we fired one 5.7 round into the 11-inch-long, 3.5-inch-wide Handgun Test Tube. It carved out a 60-ml channel (total water volume) up to 1.2 inches wide, but didn’t exit the tube. A second 5.7 opened a 75-ml channel, and also didn’t exit the tube. For the 22 WMR, we first tried one tube, since it was "only" a 22 Mag. The Bullet Test Tube states that one tube is sufficient for 9mm through 45 ACP cartridges, and two tubes should be used for magnum loads. The Remington PSP had enough energy to punch a quarter-inch-wide and half-inch-long hole through the metal end of the tube, exiting an entire tube length. So we reshot it with two tubes. The round punched 4 inches deep into the second tube (15 inches overall penetration) and created a 60-ml wound channel. The Super-X didn’t exit the first tube (the mushroomed bullet stuck inside the tube cap) and created a 66-ml channel. The Dynapoint traveled 14 inches into the media and chewed out a 50-ml channel.

All in, we thought the performance of the Remington 22 Magnum PSP was the best of any ammunition tested. We liked how the bullet mushroomed and held together. The other 22 WMR rounds we tested broke up into much smaller pieces. If we were going to carry the PMR-30 for self-defense, it would be loaded with the PSP rounds.
I'm actually not knocking the FNH pistol. It's a good pistol, and I wouldn't mind owning one some day. But the cost of the ammunition compares unfavorably to 5.56 NATO, let alone to .22 WMR, if ammo cost (and availability) is going to be a factor in deciding which gun you'll buy. So if ammo cost and availability is an issue for someone, then maybe the PMR-30 might fill that role.......although there is no steel penetrator option available for it that I'm aware of, if that's what floats your boat. But like I said.....good luck finding one for sale, especially at or below MSRP.

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