Back when CHL first passed, there was no 30.06 codicil, and so even if some business owner were anti-gun, he would not have been read up on being able to keep people out with a 30.06 sign. But, 30.06 signs have been in existence for a LONG time now, and the one thing that has kept more of them from being posted is simply that if our guns are out of sight, they are out of the business-owner's mind.
However, things are more politically polarized than ever these days, and the debates over open carry did not occur in a vaccum....... including details such as 30.07 signage since it is part of the law that was passed, unlike with original CHL law and 30.06. I wonder what impact that is going to have on the posting of signage. Will people who are motivated to post 30.07 signs also go the extra trouble to post 30.06 if they haven't already? Will they do nothing until the first time someone carries openly into their business? Will they carry on as before and do nothing?
Inquiring minds want to know. I'm guessing that there will be an initial jump in the rate at which sign postings get reported on (has Russell already claimed, after which things will calm down. The reason I think this is that the sign postings will likely be in response to new open carriers who are doing it for the novelty of it, and that when the novelty wears off and they decide to prefer (not "eliminate", I mean prefer) CC over OC, they will OC less frequently, resulting in less frequent postings.
However, the "damage" will have been done as, once the signs have been posted, they are not likely to be taken down ever again. So the question that interests me is to what extent business owners will react this way.