Javier730, well done. I have one question, and a comment or two.....
The question.....
Has your wife considered getting a CHL after this event? She was fortunate to have you with her at the time, but has she considered what might have happened if you had not been there?
The comments....
I think you probably handled this about as well as could be expected. The only two things I might have done differently are:
First — and let me be clear that this is a criticism of me, not you — is that I think I might have been frightened enough to shoot him when he started to get up, because for me, letting him get up is to let things spiral further out of control. He's damned lucky you had a cooler head.
Second — I would not have answered his question about you being a cop with anything more than, "if you don't stay down, I will shoot". That's all he needs to know.
But other than that, you did a fine job. Glad everyone is OK.