tacticool wrote:Beiruty wrote:1) How do you deny Felons, carrer criminals, and illegal Residents from Carrying?
Other border states like NM and AZ have had unlicensed open carry for a long time without the BLOOD IN THE STREETS that opponents of OC in Texas keep touting. Maybe we could learn something from them.
It's not OC that we have a problem with, it is OCT that is the problem. I would love to see OC passed. The problem from a political standpoint (and it's not getting passed without involving politics) is that OCT has shown itself to be a collection of politically naive bomb-throwers and bridge-burners who:
- threaten and bully our allies, and
- threaten to destroy all prior gains made if they can't get their way.
We are known by the company we keep. Serious,
MATURE pro-gun voters and politicians don't want to be known by keeping that kind of company because we value our reputations. What's worse is that the crazies of OCT tarnish us all with misplaced guilt by association in the liberal media......because the crazies of OCT fulfill the left's worst fantasies about gun owners and what we stand for......and what we stand against.
If the issue before us was a RE-ratification of the 2nd Amendment, and the proposed amendment did not contain wording which
specifically protected Open Carry in its "keep and bear arms" wording, OCT would overturn it as a limitation on the right to keep and bear arms.
They are
that stupid.