Baldeagle, I don't think the dismissal is racially based, if for no other reason that people of color are also well represented in the healthcare industry. I think it is has more to do with a certain general fecklessness among some folks. A lot of people working the healthcare system aren't working there because they feel a calling to be in healthcare. They are there because it's a job, and healthcare represents a certain amount of job security in times of uncertain employment. Among those people, a lot are just serving time, going through the motions. It's no different than working for Walmart or Target.baldeagle wrote:I don't believe for one second that medical personnel, seeing symptoms of Ebola, would dismiss a patient simply because he was black and poor. The hospitals are filled with black and poor patients. The idea that he would have been dismissed because of his skin color or lack of money is insulting in the extreme.
And this debacle, as you call it, has so far resulted in one infected person dying and no secondary infections. Not a very impressive debacle.
When I worked in healthcare, people generally fell into one of two groups, regardless of their job title. The way to tell them apart was to ask a simple question: "Here, can you please give me a hand with this?" Those who said "that's not my job" (a surprisingly large number) made up one group. The others who said "Sure, let me give you a hand" made up the other group. In that regard, they are no different than people outside of healthcare. (Don't get me wrong, some of the finest people I've ever known were those I worked with for 6 years at a large hospital; but there were some real lemons in there too.) As in any organization made up of a mixture of the feckless and the responsible, most of the work gets done by the responsible, who carry the dead weight of the feckless. They don't see more patients than the feckless, they just get more done with the ones they do see. The ones seen by the feckless simply do not receive the same attention to detail, and consequently, they do not receive the same standard of care.
So when you arrive at an ER with a 103º fever and a blossoming case of Ebola.....which until you start bleeding through your eyes and rectum, looks a lot like flu..... it's a 50/50 proposition whether you'll be triaged by someone who is genuinely interested in helping, or just another time-server. It is terrible and wrong that Mr. Duncan was sent away after his first visit, but as dragonfighter pointed out, it isn't terribly surprising, particularly to someone who has worked in healthcare long enough to be disillusioned a bit by the experience.