This.^^^ShootDontTalk wrote:From the perspective of 70 years I have thought for some time now that it demonstrates extreme cowardice to attack those who will not defend themselves while ignoring those who chop heads off if you attack them. It is a matter of intestinal fortitude. Face it, Christians, conservatives, and patriots are a "gun free zone" for liberals. Liberals can do and say whatever they like to us without fear of reprisal. Only a few cry foul. I am tired of treating them with kid gloves.
You kick a dog enough times, and one day it bites you. Personal restraint is not a core value of progressivism or the left. Personal restraint is a core conservative value. Thus they get kicked a lot because lib/progs know that 99 out of 100 times it is safe to kick them. The problem for the kickers (and for society in this parable) is that when the dog finally bites back, blood will be drawn. How much blood will depend on how long the kicking has been going on.