MeMelYup wrote:ELB wrote: 1. Interpol Secretary General Ronald Noble said today the U.S. and the rest of the democratic world is at a security crossroads in the wake of last month's deadly al-Shabab attack at a shopping mall in Nairobi, Kenya – and suggested an answer could be in arming civilians.
2. "Societies have to think about how they're going to approach the problem," Noble said. "One is to say we want an armed citizenry; you can see the reason for that. Another is to say the enclaves are so secure that in order to get into the soft target you're going to have to pass through extraordinary security."
Number two did not work for DC Navel Yard one several schools and colleges. The only COMMON SENSE plan would be number 1. I don't think some of our politicians will be able to understand the concept.
Oh, they can understand the concept. They are just terrified by it because an armed citizenry is difficult to cow.